Heat Exchanger Testing
Assured Testing Services has extensive experience testing various heat exchanger assemblies such as evaporators, condensers, radiators, and oil coolers. Some of the common applicable environmental exposure tests that we conduct on heat exchangers are:
Corrosion Resistance:
SWAAT: ASTM G85 Annex A3
SO2 Modified Salt Spray: ASTM G85 Annex A4
OY Water Internal Corrosion
Pressure Testing:
Internal pressure cycling between two or more positive pressures, or one negative and one or more positive pressures; burst (failure) testing, any combination of monitored and regulated pressure and flow requirements.
Thermal Cycling:
Cycling of pumped coolant between thermal endpoints, either at constant pressure or with pressure cycling.
We have chambers large enough to accommodate multiple full size heat exchanger units, with optional air or liquid pressurization during exposure testing. It is also common practice to perform leak checks, leak rate determinations and failure analyses via cross sectional photomicrography upon test completion.